Vaginal Health Kit: Practitioner

How to Register:

To register a kit for your patient, first log in to your practitioner account. If you do not have an account, please register at

  1. Once logged in, select the "Wholesale Order" tab on the left navigation panel.

  2. Then select "BiomeFx Stool Kit Registration" or “BiomeFx Vaginal Health Kit Registration” or the "Register Here" tab.

  3. Once selected, you will navigate to the page to enter patient information. Select a patient in the drop-down menu or select a new patient (Name, Date of Birth, and active patient email are required).

  4. Enter the correct shipping information and validate address.

  5. Select acceptance of Terms and Conditions and place order.

If registering an existing kit, the following steps are applicable:

Enter the sample ID or barcode number you are assigning to your patient, along with the tracking number. The sample ID/Barcode number is located on the side of box and will be a 14-digit number.

The USPS Tracking number can be found on the pre-paid return shipping label affixed directly to the box.

IMPORTANT! BiomeFx kits must be registered and purchased online PRIOR to sending them home with your patients. Please remind patients that upon registration and purchase, an email with patient consent links will be sent to the email entered for the patient. Please check the spelling of all patient emails for accuracy to receive consent. If a patient has yet to receive our consent email, please direct them to their spam or junk folders, as the consent must be accepted upon sample arrival for the lab to process it. Consent request is sent from email address

Lab Status

To check the status of your patients' BiomeFx kits, click the "Manage Labs" tab in your Microbiome Labs account.

Educational Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, the sample does not need to be refrigerated.

  • This sample will not be approved for processing until it has been registered and/or consented.

  • Samples may be delayed for a number of reasons but often times, the sample is delayed due to needing to be resequenced. If a sample does not produce the amount of required reads after sequencing, the lab will re-prep and re-sequence the sample to try and produce the read depths required.

  • We recommend donors wait 1-2 days post menstrual cycle before collecting.

Have Questions? Need Support?

Reach out to your BiomeFx representative! If you aren’t sure who your representative is, email to inquire so our customer service team can get you connected!